Modern Slavery Statement


This statement is made pursuant to Section 54, Part 6 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and sets out the steps the Company has taken to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in our supply chains or in any part of our business.

Organisational Structure

SimplyMed Ltd are a supplier to the NHS, Private Hospitals and Mobility shops based in the UK. Within the organisation, there are 15 members of staff, who are all directly employed by SimplyMed Ltd and are not in any categories which are seen to be vulnerable to Modern Slavery or Human Trafficking. Due to having such a small number of staff, there is easy communication between all members of staff and top management for all issues and concerns. Due to the nature of our organisation, we focus primarily on ensuring there are adequate measures in place for our suppliers and contractors.

Supply Chain

The healthcare market is one of the most vital of most industries in terms of the nation’s health and welfare. There are often up to three levels of suppliers between the manufacturer and the patients. SimplyMed Ltd are committed to continuously monitoring and hence improving its operations to eradicate any slavery or human trafficking within the organisation or supply chain.

Policies & Procedures

SimplyMed Ltd has robust policies in place which expect to minimise the risk of modern slavery in our supply chain. These are:

  • Supplier Approval Procedure – which sets out the requirements for quality, environment, Health & Safety and Social Accountability standards we expect. This process includes second party supplier audits to ensure compliance.
  • Supplier Code of Conduct – a declaration that our supplier commits to continuously improving their standards and procedures regarding quality, environment, Health & Safety and Social Accountability.
  • Whistleblowing Policy – which encourages our staff report issues of any nature, including Modern Slavery and Human trafficking.

Due Diligence

Our suppliers are continuously monitored for compliance, particularly those in high risk countries. All suppliers which have been identified as high risk must complete our Supplier Approval form and agree to 2nd party audits whereby the quality, environment, Health & Safety and Social Accountability systems are verified for compliance against our standards and expectations. A Supplier Code of Conduct form must also be signed by a member of our supplier’s Top Management as a commitment to minimise the risk of Modern Slavery. Failure to cooperate or meet our expectations will lead to appropriate action from SimplyMed Ltd which may include terminating the business relationship.


SimplyMed Ltd are currently developing a training plan and programme to provide staff with the knowledge to understand of the significant risks and best practice for addressing these. We are committed to increasing awareness of modern slavery in our business operations through our processes and policies.

Next Steps

SimplyMed Ltd will continue to make efforts to identify Social Accountability issues (including Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking) in our supply chain and act when required. We are currently assessing the requirement for suitable key performance indicators to review and be able to report on supplier performance.

POL 03 Modern Slavery1.pdf

Where to Find Us

Company Info


41 Amos Road Sheffield S9 1BX

Tel: 0114 261 8100

Fax: 0114 261 0074


Opening hours:

Mon - Fri: 8am - 4pm

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